Green hub: Green and 100% recyclable chrome parts for the automotive

Posted on 30 April 2024

Chrome-plated decorative parts are widely used by car designers to create a unique design in the automotive industry. Bright, Mat or Satin chrome finishes are frequently applied to brand insignia, model names, and a wide variety of interior and exterior components, providing a luxurious finish that car owners enjoy. However, there’s a catch; the process used to produce these parts has had a negative impact for years.

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France gender equality index

Posted on 26 April 2024

Dourdin Decorative Solutions France is committed to professional equality and achieved an index of 85/100 in 2023.

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Driving Sustainable Innovation at Dourdin SAS

Posted on 30 Januar 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of the automotive industry, the pursuit of sustainability has become paramount. As key mobility players in Europe strive towards carbon neutrality and energy transition, suppliers play a crucial role in shaping the future of eco-friendly transportation.

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Posted on 4 Oktober 2023

Future Door Panel Partnerships — Emotional Interiors — Smart Surfaces — Sustainable Finish — Exclusive Decorative Films | A Legacy Of Innovation | The Highlights | The Future Of Automotive Decorative Solutions

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Posted on 21 April 2023

What Makes Dourdin Romania A Successful Plant? | What Are Your Strengths? | What Are Your Latest Innovations? | Is Investing A Key To Outperform? | Is Sustainability High On Your Agenda?

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NEW ultra-performant & eco-friendly plastic painting lines

Posted on 27 Januar 2023

We paint the plastic parts of our most demanding customers: mirror housings, monograms, interior and exterior door trims, … with an environmentally friendly orientated process.

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